Our numerous accreditations and associations demonstrate our commitment to consistently high quality products and services.

We have been awarded the Buildoffsite Property Assurance Scheme (BOPAS) accreditation for our Modular Volumetric Building System.
This independent, third-party certification is carried out by Lloyds Register, one of the world’s leading providers of professional services for engineering and technology.
It demonstrates the highest levels of quality assurance for mortgage lenders, as well as surveyors undertaking valuations. It warrants that our homes are fit for purpose and will stand the test of time for at least 60 years.
BSI ISO 9001:2015

Enevate Homes has been awarded the BSI ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System Certificate for the design, build and management of onsite construction of modular housing. ISO (the International Organisation for Standardisation) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies.
To achieve the BSI ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System Certificate, we demonstrated that our quality management system ensures that our processes and interactions are controlled and performed in a consistent manner. The assessment looks at:
- customer focus
- leadership
- engagement of people
- process approach
- improvement
- evidence-based decision making
- relationship management
This certification emphasises our principle of continuous improvement and our dedication to products and services that are safe, reliable and of good quality.
CHAS Accredited Contractor

The CHAS accreditation scheme provides clients with the reassurance that they are using reputable and trustworthy contractors.
All aspects of our risk management policies were reviewed as part of our successful CHAS assessment.
The accreditation focuses on health and safety but also ensure members meet the required environmental standards, have anti-modern slavery certification and encourage diversity and equal opportunities for their workforce.
Membership of CHAS also provides us with a wealth of resources and support to enable us to continually reduce risk and maintain our excellent working standards.
Checkmate Warranty Scheme

We have achieved a lifetime approval with Checkmate. Checkmate is a Designated Warranty Scheme under the Warranty Link Rule and operates a consumer code in the new homes market, which is approved by the Chartered Trading Standards Institute.
Builders must comply with requirements of the Checkmate Consumer Code for Builders of Homes for Sale and maintain good practices.
The code ensures buyers:
- are treated fairly
- know what service levels to expect
- are given reliable information upon which to make decisions
- know how to access speedy, low-cost dispute resolution arrangements if they are dissatisfied
- in a vulnerable position are identified and given bespoke tools to help assist them in making decisions
Checkmate has approval from mortgage lenders who, between them, lend 99.9% of UK residential mortgages (source: Council of Mortgage Lenders).
BREEAM “Excellent” rating

BREEAM is the world’s leading sustainability assessment method for master-planning projects, infrastructure and buildings.
This means BREEAM accredited developments create more sustainable environments that enhance the wellbeing of the people who live and work in them. They help protect natural resources and are more attractive property investments.
For our clients, this means that they can demonstrate sustainability performance during planning, design, construction, operation and refurbishment. This helps to lower running costs, maximise return through market value and attract tenants.
Scottish Sustainable Buildings

Scottish Sustainable Buildings assign a sustainability rating to all new buildings. It is applied by an approved certifier to demonstrate the developer’s commitment to sustainability.
Our bronze accreditation shows that we follow all requirements of Scottish Building Standards. It demonstrates that our designs take into account:
- Climate change
- Energy and resource use
- The need for flexible living
We are committed to continuing to explore options to build upon our progress to date and provide buildings with even greater energy efficiency in the future.
NICEIC approved contractor

NICEIC provide an assessment and certification service across the building services sector.
All our electricians are NICEIC accredited. This provides independent assurance that the work we do is safe and installed to the highest standards.
Gas Safe Register

The Gas Safe Register is a list of businesses which are legally permitted to carry out gas work in the UK.
All our gas engineers are Gas Safe Registered.