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Enevate to work with Elkins Construction and Greenwich Council on exciting new project The Orangery.

Enevate Homes are excited to announce a new exciting project for 2023. The Orangery. Enevate Homes are working for Elkins Construction and Greenwich Council for the design and build of…

–         38 Apartments Around 4 Cores
–         2 Town Houses
–         82 Accommodation Modules (Excluding Cores)
–         33 Unique Module designs
–         14 Unique Core Module Designs
–         Basement
–         Associated Communal Areas and Externals

Construction Details:
Modern Methods of Construction (MMC).
Hot-rolled steel and lightweight steel construction (often referred to as balloon frame).
Flat roof single ply membrane
Rainscreen Cladding
Windows- Clear Glass Window / Obscured Glass

CGI created by COSMOSCUBE and designed by shedkm